Friday 4 August 2023


For me the concept of aging rubs off on me differently at different times. I have had times where the thought of aging has scared me to my insides because I fear what it means to age and not have some basic things in my life, like a home to call my own and at other times it is seeing those who have aged and are sickly and I ask myself, does old age connote ill health? The most worrisome for me is the fact that as people age, many feel the need to do what pleases them, because I guess, time may not be on their side, they have attained to a certain degree that no one may necessarily be able to hold them accountable for their actions. This is because the assumption is that you are old enough to know the right thing to do. These actions can mar the people around the older person and make them lose faith in God, relationships, and vital values. This for me is the scariest place to be.
I desire for myself that as I age, I will be a better version of who I was yesterday. I will be more graceful in handling the people around me. I will not take advantage of my age to do as I please, whether or not it will hurt the people I love the most. I will be considerate of the feelings of others. I will have my needs met in old age and be the best version of who I am meant to be. SO, HELP ME GOD. AMEN.

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