Wednesday 22 February 2017


The concept of suffering is not a foreign one in the broken world we live in. In different ways we experience it whether through our wrong actions that bring about natural consequences, other people's actions or inactions that bring painful hurt, natural disasters, diseases etc. The list is endless! As I think more about it, it drives me to ask what stance do you and I take when we suffer? This is because it goes a long way to determine whether we'll come out refined by our sufferings or bitter. I don't want to even talk about the issue of denying that suffering is part of our daily living (subject for another day). Do I chose to ask questions categorizing the suffering or asking God what do you want me to learn in this process? Suffering is in our lives to refine and purify us; to grow us so much that we can extend the grace we received through our experience to others. I beg to say that suffering is not painful and meaningless but can be used by God for our greatest good.